We all know Grey’s Anatomy is focused more on beauty than medical accuracy, and that’s why the doctors at Seattle Grace / Seattle Grace Mercy West / Grey Sloan Memorial / whatever the hell they’re calling the hospital now, are some of the most attractive physical specimens of all time. Last year I ranked Grey’s hottest male doctors, so now it’s time for the ladies!
Buckle up, I’m sure you’ll disagree with me. Let’s go!
Jo has kind of an edgy hotness. Like, yes, she’s conventionally beautiful, with gorgeous hair and soft, round features, but as soon as she opens her mouth you realize that she’s more than just a pretty face. She’s a badass, which makes her even hotter.

I feel bad that Meredith is so low on this list considering the show is named after her, but you have to admit, the doctors got progressively hotter as the show went on, and someone from day one just can’t hold a candle to some of the show’s hotter, younger doctors. That said, Meredith Grey is still absolutely beautiful. At the show’s beginning, she is petite and innocent-looking, and throughout the show’s seventeen-hundred seasons she has grown older, more confident and in my opinion, even hotter. There’s something about the confidence of a two-time Catherine Fox award winner that just gets me.
Another season one cast member, coming in at number eight. Say what you will about Izzie, but she came onto this show as the hot one, and she lives up to the hype. However, the show didn’t confine her to just the hot blonde. She was tough, strong and yes, I am not a fan of her as a person, but you have to admit she’s stunning.
Arizona wheelied her way into our hearts as the beautiful head of Peds. I think there’s something about the confidence of female doctors that’s just really attractive to me, but Arizona even more so. She’s so sure of herself, confident and assertive, while still being genuinely kind and approachable. Also, the fact that she cries whenever she has to stand up to authority is just adorable.

Stephanie wasn’t on the show for too long, but she made a big impression. Aside from her notable relationships with such hot doctors as one Jackson Avery, Stephanie was the top of her class of interns, and her knowledge and competitive edge only added to her hotness. She refused to let herself be defined by other people and she set her own boundaries and stuck to them, but when she let her guard down and connected with her fellow doctors or her patients, you could see the caring person she was underneath. Also, this woman single-handedly fought off an assaulter and carried an injured child through a burning building. She is a Badass with a capital B, which is, again, super hot.
You can’t tell me this woman’s hair isn’t insanely hot. Seriously. It’s a damn mane and I love it. Christina’s cutthroat attitude and her cold demeanor only make her more attractive, and when you consider the fact that when she bonds, she bonds for life, you’re looking at a pretty hot doctor right there.
Maggie has been one of the best additions to Grey’s in (semi-)recent years. She’s absolutely beautiful, and her slightly nervous and panicky personality makes her incredibly loveable. Add in her slight lisp, and she’s right up there with some of Grey’s hottest doctors.
There’s a reason McDreamy had a hard time signing those divorce papers, and McSteamy came all the way to Seattle. Addison Montgomery is a force. The woman exudes confidence, she’s drop-dead gorgeous and unlike many of Seattle Grace’s doctors, in the early seasons of the show, she actually dressed like the head of her department when she wasn’t in surgery. But Addison was more than just a business-casual ice queen, and her moments of vulnerability and sometimes hilarious fish-out-of-water moments made her even more attractive, at least to me.
I think Lexie Grey might actually be a Disney princess. I’m serious, she’s actually too perfect for words. Big doe eyes, a soft, innocent face, all enhanced by her sweet personality. Part of me wants to say she’s at her hottest when she’s blonde, the other part of me wants to say it’s when she’s a brunette, but all of me can agree that Lexie Grey is hot. Period. Hands down.
I mean, is this even a question? Obviously, Calliope Iphegenia Torres is our winner for hottest female Grey’s Anatomy doctor. Possibly the hottest Grey’s doctor. She’s just so sexy. She’s curvy and gorgeous, with a dazzling smile and thick dark hair you want to bury your hands in. She’s confident but imperfect, she does a really physical job and she’s exceptional at it, she’s vulnerable but not weak… she’s just perfect. Perfect.

So there you have it, my list of the hottest female doctors in Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t expect you all to agree with me, but haha this is my list so I can do what I want!