
Grey’s Anatomy: The 10 Best Scenes At Emerald City Bar

As everyone knows, Joe’s bar has become an important fixture in Grey’s Anatomy. Without it, fans wouldn’t have been able to see these memorable scenes

Over the years, fans have come to love a lot of things about Grey’s Anatomy. Not only has the show been the starting point for many Hollywood stars but there have been plenty of story arcs that have left everyone in shock. And of course, there are the characters that fans can’t help but care about over the years.

Throughout the years, the viewers have also seen Grey’s Anatomy feature several interesting sets. Of course, there’s Grey Sloan Memorial hospital, where everyone works. There’s also Meredith’s house, where the majority of characters have stayed. And then, there’s Emerald City bar with memorable scenes like:

Maggie And DeLuca Kissing

Maggie and DeLuca ended up getting together at Joe’s bar one evening after DeLuca was unable to save one of the twins that he was treating. As he sat miserably with Maggie, the two eventually got drunk and kissed. They also slept together and tried to avoid each other afterward.

However, they still hooked up again the very next day. Later on, when their relationship went public, DeLuca became uncomfortable and fans were scratching their heads about why the show let this relationship go on. After all, the two lacked chemistry and Maggie held a more senior position than DeLuca.

Lexie Flirting With Derek

When Lexie first came to the show, fans had mixed feelings understandably so. Straight away, fans aligned her as a potential ‘villain’ since it looked like she was going to try and come between Meredith and Derek. In her introduction, the viewers saw her attempt to flirt with Derek at Joe’s bar, even offering to buy him a drink.

However, little did fans know what sort of impact she would end up having in the future? While fans thought they had seen the last of her after that scene, they were soon surprised when she walked into Seattle Grace not long after and introduced herself as Lexie Grey, Meredith’s sister. Things got interesting from that point onward.

Addison Getting Drunk And Eating Muffins

When Addison knew that her marriage to Derek was ending, she became extremely miserable – so much so, that she decided to take the day off just to get drunk. It may have been unusual for her, but Addison needed some time to mourn the relationship so that she can find the will to move on.

That said, the double board-certified OB/GYN looked miserable that day, showing up to Joe’s bar in baggy clothing as she got drunk and ate a lot of the muffins that Izzie had brought over earlier.

Preston Burke’s Bachelor Party

In a lot of ways, Burke and Cristina were one of the best couples on the show. They are both highly skilled individuals who are known for their intelligence and surgical prowess. Not to mention, the two doctors were clearly devoted to one another. And so, fans weren’t so surprised when they decided to tie the knot.

To celebrate the couple’s pending nuptials, Derek decided to throw Burke an impromptu bachelor party. And because he needed more attendees, Derek also asked Mark and Addison to come along.

Arizona And Callie Kissing In The Bathroom

Callie may have dated several people throughout her time on the show. However, many believe that Arizona is really the love of her life. From the beginning, it did look like these two women had undeniable chemistry.

And that was very evident when they ended up running into each other inside the bathroom of Joe’s bar. After talking for a bit, Arizona decides to take her chances and kiss Callie. The two eventually get together and even have a child. Unfortunately, their relationship would not last.

Meredith Hoping Derek Will Show Up

One of Meredith’s most memorable moments on the show involves her asking Derek to choose her after Addison makes her way to Seattle Grace unexpectedly. Following her heartfelt appeal, Meredith ends up at Joe’s bar because she told Derek that this is the spot where she would be waiting for him.

She sits there, feeling miserable about what she had done. Joe tries to make her feel better but it’s no use. Derek doesn’t show up. Later on, the two get a moment together and Meredith manages to confirm that Derek decided to stay with his wife.

Callie And Meredith Getting Drunk Together

Cristina may be Meredith’s best friend but she’s also quite close to other doctors that she works with, including Callie. Sure, they didn’t really seem close during the show’s earlier seasons. They didn’t even hang out much around the time that Callie was dating George.

Over the years though, the two women eventually became closer. At one point, they even ended up hanging out at Joe’s bar together. They get drunk. They talk about their spouses (and make fun of them). And then they drink some more.

Lexie And Mark Kissing

At first, it didn’t seem like putting Lexie and Mark together would be a good idea. She was a highly inexperienced intern and he was an acclaimed plastic surgeon. However, slowly but surely, the two convinced fans that they had a great deal of chemistry.

Even though they ended up in a tumultuous relationship, everyone couldn’t help but agree that Mark and Lexie were destined to be together. It’s just too bad that Lexie and Mark would both die following the plane crash.

Car Crashing Into The Bar

Several doctors were hanging out at Joe’s when a car suddenly crashed through the front of the bar. It crashes into a window and immediately, debris starts raining down on everyone. It’s not immediately clear who among Grey Sloan Memorial’s doctors are hurt.

All fans knew was that Jackson, along with Miranda’s husband, Ben, were at the bar when the incident occurred. The aftermath of the crash is shown in greater detail in Station 19’s pilot episode. And in the next Grey’s episode, doctors work hard to treat all the victims, including their own friends.

Derek And Meredith Meeting For The First Time

When Derek and Meredith first hooked up, no one knew where things were going. After all, the first time that fans got a glimpse of them together, Derek was lying on Meredith’s living room floor. Several episodes later, the viewers come to discover that the two met (sort of) while at Joe’s bar.

Sparks flew and they hooked up. Meredith may have thought that they would never see each other again but as it turns out, Derek was her true love. After going through a tricky situation that involved Derek’s then-wife, the two finally got married and had children.