
Grey’s Anatomy: Funniest Addison Montgomery Quotes

Addison Montgomery was one of the funniest characters while she was first on Grey’s Anatomy and has some iconic lines.

Grey’s Anatomy is still going strong with its 19 seasons of drama, heartbreak, and impeccably scored montages. With the show’s steady actor turnover, it was good for fans to see a familiar face among its core cast of mostly fresh actors so bringing Dr. Addison Montgomery back last season was a brilliant move on their part.

Addison began the show as Derek’s wife whom the fans did not root for and left it as a beloved character. So beloved that she got her spot on a spin-off show for 5 seasons. She quickly won the fans over with her witty and sarcastic remarks and ability to mock herself endlessly.

Addison’s Day Off

“I need the day off. For drinking.” – Addison

Addison’s storyline on the show was not always a happy one. Fans watched her come after Derek and try her best to win him back (too bad she never stood a chance). Despite Addison being the one who cheated on Derek, it was painfully clear to the viewers that she cared deeply about him and tried her best to save their marriage.

When all of her efforts failed and she had to accept the painful truth after finding another woman’s underwear in her husband’s pocket, she took the day to wallow in self-pity and drink (a lot!) before getting her bearings and trying to move on.

Calling Out Mark Sloan

“That is not how you bond with your children!” – Addison

Addison’s relationship with Mark Sloan was complicated at best, but after realizing that they weren’t meant to be together, they became great friends who shared not only knowing glances but also sarcastic remarks that made both more likable to viewers.

When Mark mentions he told his young daughter that he and Addison slept together she educates him that that is not how you spend time with your kids. With Mark Sloan being the “man-whore” that we all loved, this was even funnier, because what else would he bond over with his daughter? Addison proves that she knows him really well, adding an affectionate eye roll.

Telling It Like It Is

“I know! You’re a flannel-wearing wood-chopping fisherman, I get it.” – Addison

As they’re trying to save their marriage, Derek and Addison try therapy among other things. In this honest frustrated moment of Addison’s, we see how miserable she is living in the trailer in the woods. But that’s not the most miserable part. She’s slowly getting to realize her husband might not be the same person she knew in New York.

She broke his heart and his pride, and it was one of the worst things she or Mark ever did in Grey’s Anatomy. It resulted in Derek changing. He switched his Manhattan brownstone for a trailer and catches fish for breakfast now. And she doesn’t get to decide how he fixes what she broke.

Claiming Her Title

“Actually I prefer to be called ‘Ruler of All That is Evil’ but I will answer to Satan.” – Addison

Addison’s nickname was a running gag while she was on the show, especially during her marriage to Derek. He calls her Satan and she responds mockingly that she prefers to be called “The Ruler of All That Is Evil.”

Making fun of herself is one of her strengths, but it’s clear throughout the show that it’s a facade. That she makes fun of herself to keep everyone from seeing how broken she feels on the inside.

Speaking in Code

“Are you speaking the vagina monologues now?” – Addison

Her friendship with Callie was one of the best relationships Addison had during her run. Being a very observant and intelligent person, a viewer gets the idea that Addison had a clue about Callie’s sexuality before Callie did herself.

As Callie exclaims loudly that she “loves men,” Addison smiles because she knows her friend is in denial. It illustrates what a good friend Addison is – she knows this even before Callie does, but doesn’t force it and lets her get there on her own terms.

Eating Her Feelings

“Would you like to order a pizza and get really fat with me?” – Addison

Though the notion of Addison eating her feelings was hilarious when she says it, there is something ultimately heartbreaking about her need to eat when she’s upset. It’s not even the first time, after finding out Derek cheated on her with Meredith she gets drunk and claims she’ll “eat all these muffins and get really gloriously fat.” However Addison decides to deal with her emotions, at least she’s got a plan!

Mocking Men

“Wow, a gathering of men outside of a delivery room. How very midcentury of you.” – Addison

Being an obstetrician means Addison deals with a lot of nervous pacing fathers-to-be in and outside of the delivery room. But when Bailey is in labor and there are complications, the men pacing in front of the delivery room aren’t fathers, but her coworkers and friends.

Despite being quite busy, Addison takes a moment to mock the men standing there while the woman does the hard work. It’s very telling that despite this being a stressful situation, she eases their minds a bit, knowing they’re worried for their friend. By cracking a joke at that moment, she wants to reassure them that Bailey, one of Grey’s bravest characters, will be okay.

The New Addison

“I have a plane to catch… I walk on the beach now, I buy aromatherapy candles. I’m very zen.” – Addison

When Addison comes back as a guest star in later seasons after already being in the spin-off, the writers make a slight joke out of her personality. Mocking herself, she comments on being a whole different person than she used to be.

The audience remembers Addison as the woman who fought desperately to save her marriage. Nobody remembers her as this calm new zen person, who hugs Meredith (the woman who stole her husband) and even tells her that she’s meant to be together with him. The new Addison is very fun to see, even if threatening Meredith with violence when she finds out Derek and Meredith are not together and Derek is dating Rose in one of Grey‘s unexpected romances isn’t very zen.

The Entertainment

“I’m the only woman here. Am I supposed to be the entertainment? Because I’m not stripping.” – Addison

Coming up shorthanded when organizing Dr. Burke his bachelor party, Addison ends up invited. The attendees being Burke, Derek and Mark, it makes things extremely awkward, and she lightens the mood by making this joke. Derek and Mark play along, replying they’ve already seen it all.

Though the wedding doesn’t even end up happening (in one of the saddest Grey’s Anatomy episodes), this moment is hilarious but also goes to show what a strong person Addison is. Time and time again, she makes sarcastic and funny remarks even when she’s hurt, or feeling uncomfortable, often invalidating her own feelings to spear other people’s.


“There is a land called Passive-Agressiva and I am their queen.” – Addison

If Satan was one of her nicknames, the queen of this land was another. When she acts passive-aggressive with him, he calls her out and she denies it throughout the episode. Of course, it all implodes in her face and she is in the end forced to admit she is not “fine.”

Accepting her own faults and realizing her shortcomings is one of Addison’s best traits, and when defeated, she admits to Derek that she is the queen of the passive-aggressive land and apologizes. They’ve both made mistakes, cheated, hurt each other and hurt Meredith by blindsiding her with the marriage.