‘Grey’s Anatomy’: A Small Heartwarming Detail From Early Seasons Sparks Nostalgia Among Fans
When it comes to keeping things interesting, Grey’s Anatomy takes the cake. The storylines are impressive, detailed, and fun to watch — even for those of us who have watched from episode 1 through all that Netflix has to offer. For many, it can even be said that the more we watch, the better the show becomes since there are Easter eggs hidden throughout many of the episodes. Even in the earliest seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, small details seem to reappear and spark nostalgia among true fans.
A Reddit user pointed out this easily-missed detail on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Throughout the entire show, there are hidden gems to discover. Unless you have a photographic memory like Lexie Grey, chances are good you may never find them all. However, recently one Reddit user posted a comment stating they had “NEVER noticed this parallel, and it was a year later in the universe actually.”
Admittedly, the first “year” of internship for Meredith Grey lasted about three years — so it could be a little hard to catch — but during the first episode when Meredith was listening to the “rules” from Bailey, she says, “You said five rules. That was only four.” Three years later, Lexie Grey is going through the process and repeats Meredith’s words.
It is a moment that reminds us of how powerful Bailey is as a character, but it is also the first, impressive connection between Meredith and Lexie. However, it isn’t the only Easter egg you will find if you love binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy episodes.
Here are a few other small ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ details you might have missed
Did you realize that when Lexie comforted Sloan in a hospital bed after he suffered a broken bone that she told him how to comfort her — something he later used when Lexie was dying after the plane crash? She crawled into his bed and stroked his hair. When she was dying, Sloan stroked her and told her how much he loved her.
How about when Amelia was giving birth and Bailey climbed up on the bed behind her the same way that George climbed behind her when she gave birth. From songs that were played during key moments in the early seasons to words and actions that are repeated throughout all seasons, there’s often something nostalgic in the details when you watch Grey’s Anatomy.
Some are blatant, like having baby Izzy, George, and Christina appear after a roller coaster accident. Some are a little harder to catch, like keeping Izzy’s dog poster up on the bulletin board for a full 10 seasons. If you know the names that matter, you may also notice that anesthesiologists, bylines, and other mentioned names may be the name of writers or crew members for the show.
Are Easter eggs enough?
Despite the fun of watching episodes to see what Easter eggs are hidden within, there are still some people who are frustrated with Grey’s Anatomy‘s most recent seasons, especially season 17. There are couples that make us cringe and a whole season of pandemic tragedy during a time when we must face it every day. Fans have called it boring, saying it was the end of great TV.