Introduced as a mid-season replacement in 2005, executives never could have known that “Grey’s Anatomy,” a medical drama created by Shonda Rhimes — and named as a cheeky nod to the famous medical textbook “Gray’s Anatomy” — would become one...
ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy has kept our attention for 19 (almost 20) seasons, drawing us in with every ill-fated heartbreak and surprise twist. But now that Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) is departing the show as a series regular, we can’t help but wonder what’s...
It appears Ellen Pompeo is enjoying some more free personal time now that she’s no long apart of the main cast for Grey’s Anatomy. The actress, who had already scaled back her role in season 19 but will continue with her signature voiceovers...
Best known for his role as Alex Karev on the smash hit medical drama Grey’s Anatomy, much like his character, Justin Chambers stole the hearts of millions with the show’s premier in 2005. However, in January of 2020, Chambers shocked fans...