
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Polyamorous Fan Ships We Wish Were Real

There’s nothing people love more than to ship characters together. These polyamorous relationships would have delighted Grey’s Anatomy fans!

In the nearly two decades that Grey’s Anatomy has been on the air, the cast of characters that have come and gone has been huge. The main characters number in the dozens and characters that seem innocuous in the beginning often come out of nowhere to steal the show. Relationships between characters can begin and end in the blink of an eye or span over several seasons.

As fans watch all kinds of relationships unfold, it seems that diversity within them gets better every season. There’s representation across races, the differently-abled, age differences, colleagues and teachers, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. While fans see a lot of love triangles throughout the seasons, there’s never really been a polyamorous relationship depicted. But that’s never stopped fans from imagining!

Meredith, Alex, & Izzy

The fans screamed for Meredith and Alex to get together after everyone else left or died and Alex became Meredith’s “person.” Many were especially unhappy when he ended up leaving Jo for Izzy.

While Meredith wasn’t too friendly with Izzy’s super positive nature at the beginning of the show, her biggest issue with Izzy was that she left. If they’d all come back together in one big happy family with all their kids and all their love, fans on every side would see a satisfactory ending for everyone involved. 

Callie, Mark, & Arizona

This throuple almost happened on the show, but Arizona was just never attracted to men. Fans still imagined the fantastic co-parenting trio as a romantic situation that they wished had happened.

Platonically, they were shown in the same bed in several episodes, having dinner together regularly, and sharing parenting duties with their daughter with a lot of love. If Mark hadn’t died, who knows what might have happened.

Cristina, Meredith, Jackson, & Owen

Cristina and Owen were married at one point on the show and then they had an on and off tumultuous run after their divorce. They were a power couple but their personal goals were very different.

Meredith wanted children and, although she ended up with Derek, fans shipped her and Jackson as the children of legacies. Jackson’s ambition had fans shipping him and Cristina as well. Put them all together and there’s a polyamorous power relationship that makes all the fan-favorite dreams come true happen.

Teddy, Owen, & Tom

Tom and Owen seem to hate each other from the moment a pregnant Teddy chooses Owen through the moment she cheats on him with Tom. Fans ship both pairings back and forth with great passion. In those reactions, some fans believe that Tom and Owen’s hatred for each other is actually a misplaced attraction.

They’re both ambitious, love Teddy and the baby, and after the wedding failure between Teddy and Owen, everyone is miserable. Fans have speculated whether they might all just get along as a throuple.

The Original Intern Class

Cristina, Meredith, George, Izzy, and Alex all got together in some way or another, in addition to their platonic friendships. The ups and downs of the makeups and breakups caused a lot of big problems, especially since most of them lived together.

But ultimately they loved and supported one another in everything. A polyamorous relationship between all of them would have been symbiotic in many ways.

Derek, Meredith, Preston, & Cristina

Derek and Preston nicknamed Cristina and Meredith the “Twisted Sisters.” The relationship between the two women was always close and fans have speculated as to whether or not it would be more if their preferences swung a little differently.

Derek and Preston were in constant competition for Chief of surgery, but they also had a little “bromance” of their own. Fans rooted for Cristina and Preston, especially after he was shot, and a relationship between the four of them would, in the eyes of the fans, made them all unstoppable.

April, George, & Lexi

Fans saw both Lexi and April as beautiful geniuses and adorable nerds. George fit right into that group with his positive attitude and diligence, even when he had to repeat his intern year. April is scrappy and studious, while Lexi has a photographic memory.

George and April are goody-two-shoes, while Lexi is a little mischievous. Fans wanted to see them together in different combinations, but a throuple between them all would have satisfied every curiosity.

Carina, Amelia, Jo, & Linc

Everyone in this group is already progressive, sex-positive, and friendly with each other. When fans first found out about the Jo/Linc connection, they contemplated if it was more than platonic. Carina and Amelia have shown some interest in each other but never actually got together.

Linc and Amelia did get together and, on the most recent season after they had a baby together, are couple goals for fans in a season of serious pandemic issues. Add Carina and Jo to the mix and fans get the perfect amount of fun added to their favorite parenting duo.

Maggie, Stephanie, & Shane

These three were all in competition at some point and Shane and Maggie were forerunners in cardiothoracic surgery. If he hadn’t left to be a fellow under Cristina, he and Maggie had a lot in common and fans speculated how that would have gone.

Stephanie and Maggie also had a lot in common and it’s ironic that they both dated Jackson at different times. The three of them together could have been an interesting throuple that fans would love to see unfold.

Cormac, Meredith, & Cristina

Cristina has always been Meredith’s “person.” Since she left in Season 10, fans have yearned to see her and Meredith together again. The most recent season showed Cormac Hayes and Meredith getting together, a relationship fans aren’t quite sure they love or hate yet.

Bring Cristina into the mix and the sarcasm, tragedy, and ultimate strength come together in all three of them. Fans would get to see the old and the new bring something completely different to relationships they’ve followed from day episode 1 to episode 369.