
Grey’s Anatomy: 15 Cristina Yang Quotes To Live By

Meredith may have been the one who usually narrated Grey’s Anatomy, but it’s these Cristina Yang quotes that you’re going to want to live by.

Grey’s Anatomy is known for its dreamy doctors and steamy romances. Aside from the iconic medical cases set to an unforgettable soundtrack, it has also been praised for its undeniably quotable dialogue. The series may have been named for Meredith Grey, but Cristina Yang has always been a fan favorite and one of Grey’s Anatomy’s best characters.

Cristina was brilliant, no-nonsense, and pretty funny for someone who rarely smiled. Even though she left the series back in season 10, the character is still sorely missed. Luckily, she still created some memorable moments and provided some useful advice that fans still carry with them years later.

 Although Sandra Oh has announced that she has no plans to return to Grey’s Anatomy after departing 8 years ago, that doesn’t mean her presence isn’t felt to this day. Whether it’s through text messages, conversations, or letters, fans are delighted that Cristina has remained a core part of Meredith’s journey and her closest friend. It just makes them reminisce about the old days, where Cristina and Meredith delivered some iconic moments with their insightful conversations. Hopefully, the writers will be able to show more of their long-distance friendship as Cristina did always come up with the best advice when Meredith was really struggling.

Cristina To A Patient In Season 7:

“Don’t Give Up On Yourself”

Everyone knows that Cristina hasn’t got the best bedside manner. However, when she really tries, Cristina can come out with some of the most encouraging words. This was particularly the case in season 7 when Cristina found a patient was refusing to go through with a surgery because they were scared of the aftermath.

While Cristina loved surgery, this was quite a significant moment for her as she put the patient’s needs ahead of her own. The fans could tell that she had formed some emotional connection and hated to see that the patient was possibly limiting their life because of fear. Cristina’s words would also make great advice too – especially when it comes to a person’s dreams. If a person wants to achieve their ambition, they should never give up chasing them.

Cristina To A Reporter In Season 7:

“Being A Hero Has Its Price”

It’s no secret that Cristina is considered to be a role model for the surgeons of Grey-Sloan Memorial as her drive and innovative methods have inspired them to go down a similar path. However, when it comes to being someone’s hero, Cristina acknowledges that there is a lot of responsibility that comes with the role too.

This can be applied to real-life as well. Whether it’s becoming an idol for friends, family, or the world, a person will realize that some people will expect them to make good and responsible choices. It may feel like there is some sort of pressure (given that many people are placed on a pedestal), but as long as a person does their best, that’s what matters most.

Cristina To Meredith In Season 8:

“Everything Isn’t So Perfectly Right Or Perfectly Wrong”

From seasons 5 to 7, many fans had considered Owen and Cristina to be one of Grey’s Anatomy’s best couples. However, cracks in this relationship began to show after Owen and Cristina began arguing about their different life goals, which ultimately led to him cheating on her. While many of their friends believed this was it for them, they were surprised to see that Cristina had quickly forgiven him.

Since Cristina wasn’t a fan of giving people a second chance, it’s clear that her love for Owen had altered her views on life. No more did she believe in polarized thinking, but rather, she looked at the bigger picture. Did she want to end her marriage, after everything they had been through, over this incident? Since people are prone to making mistakes, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Cristina To Shane In Season 10:

“You’re A Shark […] See What You Want And Do Whatever It Takes To Get It.”

Although Cristina wasn’t the friendliest surgeon in the show, she did prove to be an excellent surgeon and teacher. This was mainly due to the fact that her sole passion in life is surgery and career so it’s not surprising that she ended up putting as much dedication into her teaching too. Her methods seemed to attract Shane Ross in season 10, who couldn’t help but admire how far she had come and her achievements.

While the “shark” metaphor might appear strange out of context, it’s quite fitting for Cristina’s arc and very useful advice. In order to achieve success in life or in a career, a person has to work hard if they want to be the best. Adopting a similar and determined mindset like Cristina would ensure that a person will make a great impression on their colleagues or workers.

Cristina To Lexie In Season 4:

“Have Some Fire. Be Unstoppable. Be A Force Of Nature. Be Better Than Anyone Here And Don’t Give A D*mn What Anyone Else Thinks.”

They may have not been the closest of friends, but Cristina had been instrumental in some of Lexie’s character. When Lexie first arrived in season 4, many ostracized her because of their loyalty to Meredith, which made Lexie feel unwelcome and affect her performance. Since Cristina began to notice this as her resident, she decided to give her some advice.

While Cristina is certainly one of the characters who could have been a bit nicer, her words are a bit inspiring. A person shouldn’t care what anyone thinks of them or let people walk all over them. They should also be proud and hold their heads high for earning any achievements and reaching their life goals too.

Cristina To George In Season 2:

“If You Want Crappy Things To Stop Happening To You, Then Stop Accepting Crap And Demand Something More.”

This season two quote perfectly sums up Cristina Yang’s life philosophy. The doctor doesn’t accept crap from anyone, which is why so few people have ever dared to cross her. Cristina has always known who she is and absolutely refuses to apologize for it.

It’s these qualities that make Cristina such a beloved character. Fans never had to guess what she was thinking. They could always count on her to tell whoever she was talking to exactly how she felt. Her words here may not be eloquent here, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not true.

Cristina To Burke In Season 3:

“She’s My Person. If I Murdered Someone, She’s The Person I’d Call To Help Me Drag The Corpse Across The Living Room Floor. She’s My Person.”

Nothing else could explain the friendship between Meredith and Cristina quite so well as this quote that Cristina use to explain things to Burke in season 3. While the romance between Meredith and Derek was often at the center of Grey’s Anatomy, it’s easy to see that the heart of the show was always the relationship between Meredith and Cristina.

They were each other’s “person” for the entire ten years Cristina was on the show and there was amazing chemistry between Ellen Pompeo and Sandra Oh. Whether they were dancing it out or getting through to each other when no one else could, it’s safe to say that neither would’ve survived without the other.

Cristina To Owen In Season 7:

“Oh, Screw Beautiful. I’m Brilliant. If You Want To Appease Me, Compliment My Brain.”

One of Cristina Yang’s best qualities has always been her confidence. It’s not like she doesn’t have the skill to back it up. Of course, she would rather be complimented on her brain than her physical appearance. Many women would prefer to hear about how smart they are versus whether or not someone thinks they’re pretty.

Cristina said these words to Owen in season 7 and by that point, the guy really should have known better. He and Cristina had been involved for years, so he probably knew her well enough to know how such a compliment would go over.

Cristina To Meredith In Season 10:

“Don’t Let What He Wants Eclipse What You Need. He’s Very Dreamy, But He’s Not The Sun. You Are.”

Cristina said this to Meredith in reference to her relationship with Derek just before leaving Seattle for good in season 10 (which is something fans are still not over it). Mer and Der had built quite a life together, but it had gotten to a point where the former needed to start putting her own dreams ahead of the latter’s career. Cristina gave her some valuable life advice one last time.

Just because Derek was a dreamboat didn’t mean that Meredith should let him make decisions for her. This is also a life lesson many fans should take with them too as no one should give up their dreams in favor of another’s (unless it’s something that will genuinely make them happy). Everyone deserves a fair chance.  

Cristina To A Patient In Season 7:

“I Don’t Have A Sour Puss. This Is Just My Face.”

No matter how far the world has come, there still seems to be this idea that women need to smile all the time. When a patient asked for Cristina’s opinion in season 7, he made the mistake of referring to her as “the one with the sour puss on her face.” Cristina responded with this classic statement.

Luckily, she had April there to back her up, lest anyone think that she was kidding. Again, Cristina was a funny person, but it wasn’t too often that she cracked a smile. The patient really was just looking at her face. Cristina wasn’t in a bad mood. She was simply existing.

Cristina To Meredith In Season 4:

“Shut Up. Dance It Out.”

When asked about important life lessons learned from Grey’s Anatomy, many fans will say they learned the value of “dancing it out.” Whatever was going on in Meredith and Cristina’s life, they could always dance their troubles away, at least for a little while. It was even the way the two women spent their final moments together before Cristina moved away.

“Dancing it out” is just one of the ways many fans could try and release any pent-up frustration they have. Since it allows someone to improvise and involves a bit of exercise, it could help a person feel a little bit better. It’s certainly a great way to unwind after a long and stressful day.

Cristina To Meredith And George In Season 2:

“I Can Do Hot In My Sleep. I Look Hot In Scrubs. I’m A Hot Person.”

There’s that trademark Yang confidence again. Cristina said this in season 2 before her first proper date with Burke. The two had been sleeping together but had yet to really see one another outside of the hospital. On top of worrying about what dress to wear, Cristina also had to think of stuff to actually say to him in a completely different context.

Thankfully, Cristina wasn’t really concerned over her appearance at all. Sure, she was nervous about the date, but in terms of looking good for Burke, let’s just say she was feeling pretty self-assured. Obviously, he had already smitten with her anyway.

Cristina To Meredith In Season 5:

“Pretty Good Is Not Enough, I Wanna Be Great.”

Cristina said this in season 5 and it’s another quote that could’ve only really come from her. Not that everyone else on Grey’s wasn’t striving for greatness, but she simply wouldn’t accept anything less. For Cristina, in work and life in general, there was no other option.

It wasn’t just that Cristina wanted to be amazing that made it so. She worked hard and remained steadfast in her goals regardless of what life threw at her. Fans could all stand to think a little more like Cristina, especially in terms of what they’re capable of. Imagine how much a person can accomplish with all that confidence.

Cristina To Meredith In Season 4:

“Being Aware Of Your Crap And Actually Overcoming Your Crap Are Two Very Different Things.”

Here’s some more life advice that Cristina gave to Meredith back in season 4. Self-awareness is indeed an important part of the process, but it certainly doesn’t mean that you’ve actually dealt with your issues. Meredith was aware of her “dark and twisty” nature for quite some time before she actually made some real progress.

It is true that a person can’t fix something until they know it’s broken, but it’s still an uphill battle. Meredith was extremely lucky to have her person beside her for so much of her difficult Grey’s Anatomy journey. Both Meredith and fans would be delighted if Dr. Yang ever returned, even for just a single episode.

A Cristina Voiceover In Season 10:

“Sometimes The Future Changes Quickly And Completely, And We’re Left With Only The Choice Of What To Do Next…” 

“We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen or we can step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant.”

Much like Cristina had words of wisdom for Meredith before she left town, Dr. Yang also had some advice for the viewers. Everything in Cristina’s life was about to change and that’s absolutely terrifying. She could’ve chosen to remain where she was out of fear, but instead, she left behind her job, the man she loved, and her person behind when she moved out of Seattle.

What Cristina said is so true. Isn’t it better to assume that what comes next will be amazing rather than unbearable? If fans imagine the former, it’s almost impossible to breathe, let alone make a move. Cristina persevered and so can many fans too.